Beth Hamidrash owes its existence to a small group of dedicated Vancouver Sephardim who came together in the late sixties with the common goal of founding a Sephardic prayer service. In the beginning, they prayed at each other’s homes, in the local Jewish elementary school gym, and in the Jewish Community Centre, driving a borrowed Sefer Torah back and forth from Seattle for the high holidays. The movement grew and in 1973 they registered as a BC Society under the name of Sephardic Congregation. Its mission was to establish a synagogue to conduct Sephardic services and to foster Sephardic education. But they still lacked a home.
An Ashkenazi synagogue, Beth Hamidrosh Bnai Jacob, at our current location on Heather Street, had been inviting the group to pray with them to shore up their dwindling weekday minyan. The two congregations soon decided to merge and finally, on March 31, 1977, the now Sephardic Congregation Beth Hamidrash was born.
As membership expanded, the building has grown with us, culminating in the 2004 opening of our beautiful multi-story, light-filled synagogue. For decades we have been flourishing as a full-service Sephardic synagogue, realizing the dreams of our founders more than fifty years ago.
Founders: Edward (z”l) and Eliza (z”l) Shawn, David (z”) and Marcelle (z”l) David, Nazem Aboody (z”l), Dr. Abraham Benjamin, Sholom Ezran, Raphael Acrech (z”l), Moses Jacob (z”l), George Moses (z”l), Dr. Joseph Bensimon (z”l), and others.
Early pioneers: Albert Melul, Meyer Mattuck, Victor Setton, Sidney Benjamin, Stan Shawn, Marc Stern, Chackel Kaufman (z”l), Micha Peled, David Maurice David (z”l), David Asmoucha (z”l), Dr. Michael Isaacson, David Ezekiel, Moshe Nahoum, Sasson Levi, George Ostry, Henry Alko (z”l), Charles Bigio, Josef Mouyal, Gary Dayan (z”l), Avi Houta, Meir Cohen (z”l), Charlotte Cohen (z”l), Alan Tapper, Josef Shemesh, Maurice Benyaer (z”l), Isaac Rimock, Michel Tapiero, Gamliel Aharon, Manni Malka, and others.

Board of Directors
Executive Committee
President – Miriam Sklar
Vice President – Tsur Somerville
Treasurer – Marc Paulez
Secretary – Gavi Beigel
Rafy Amram, Michael Giffen, Stan Radomsky
Head of Religious Committee
Yossi Sedaghatti
Head of Sisterhood Committee
Past President
Tsur Somerville
Office Administrator
Deena Szostak

Our synagogue, including the sanctuary, social hall, and kitchen, is available for rental for milestone celebrations, including your wedding, bar/bat mitzah, brit milah, or baby naming.

The sanctuary seats approximately 120 on the main floor, and 90 in the women’s balcony section.
Synagogue members – $350
Jewish organizations – $400
Non-members – $450

Social Hall
Synagogue members – $350/day
Jewish organizations – $400/day
Non-members – $450/day
For rental of both the sanctuary and social hall
Synagogue members – $450/day
Jewish organizations – $500/day
Non-members – $550/day
Rates include same-day use of the kitchen. Additional days of kitchen use will be subject to the kitchen rental rates. Wedding chuppah/canopy available on request.
Synagogue members – $100/day
Jewish organizations – $150/day
Non-members – $200/day
Dairy may be accommodated in the social hall without kitchen access. Renters must provide their table covers and table settings (disposable).
The kitchen is strictly kosher, meat or parve only. It includes a commercial gas range/six-burner cooktop, a separate gas convection oven, and commercial dishwashers.
Advance booking, with the rental contract, rental deposit, and damage deposit, is required. An approved list of kosher caterers is available on request. The Rabbi must approve any caterer, not on the list. The renter is responsible for obtaining a mashgiach, approved by the Rabbi, to be present for all kitchen use. For commercial use: please contact the office.