Why become a member?
Marking all of life’s milestones with the warmth and spiritual meaning of Sephardic Jewish tradition and with the support of a family-like community is the most significant benefit of membership.
Join us in preserving and advancing our sacred Sephardic heritage now and for future generations.
Membership benefits include:
- Reserved seats for the High Holiday services
- Access to the clergy for lifecycle events and counselling
- Educational and spiritual opportunities for the whole family
- Tax receipts for membership dues and donations
- Discounted rates for rental of Beth Hamidrash facilities for private events
- Discounted rates for many social events
- The opportunity to serve on a committee or board of directors to shape our vision and goals
Membership Fees
To help us fulfill the mission, we rely upon our members’ financial commitment.
Full fees for the June 2024 – May 2025 membership year are:
Family – $2,225.00
Single – $1,300.00
Applications for membership after June of any year will be pro-rated to the number of months remaining in the membership year. Fees may be paid in full or on a monthly payment plan (by cheque or credit card).
Our philosophy is that no one is denied membership for financial reasons. Please contact the rabbi or board president to confidentially discuss alternative payment arrangements.