Shabbat and Weekday Services
Congregation Beth Hamidrash provides the only Sephardic religious services in Canada west of Toronto. The synagogue offers daily morning minyan and Shabbat services. Our Shabbat services include an inspiring dvar torah, a kiddush lunch, and a seudah shlishit together with our warm and inclusive congregation.

High Holiday Services
Come and join us for our spirited and meaningful Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur services set to the tune of the ancient Middle Eastern melodies. Be sure to contact our office in advance to secure your seats.
To deepen your high holiday experience, join the early birds throughout the month of Elul for the unique Sephardic tradition of Selichot. Service times to be announced.

Brit Milah and Baby Naming
The brit milah, or circumcision, is a mitzvah that dates back to our biblical forefather Abraham and takes place on the eighth day of a baby boy’s life. Since the medieval period, Sephardic Jews have held special ceremonies for the naming of a baby girl.

Bar and Bat Mitzvah
When boys reach the age of thirteen years and one day, and girls reach the age of twelve years and one day, they are responsible for observing the mitzvot. It is customary to mark this happy occasion at the synagogue.

Our beautiful sanctuary offers a unique, memorable setting for your wedding day. Our rabbi is available to officiate at your wedding in accordance with our beautiful Sephardic traditions.

Bereavement: Funerals, Shiva, and Kaddish
The synagogue and our community is here to help families in times of sadness, as well as in times of joy. If you have lost a loved one, please contact our office for support and assistance.